Video Intro: Tunnel Pasteurizers & Pasteurization

Transcript from pro engineering/manufacturing

PRO Engineering has been repairing, refurbishing, and re-designing tunnel pasteurizers for over 42 years!
We have learned what works and what doesn’t in a tunnel pasteurizer over the past four decades.
We use this knowledge to design and build tunnel pasteurizers that are low maintenance, high production, and easy to use.

From the compact yet full-featured SlimLine pasteurizer. To the PRO/Line Series 4, that is often purchased by smaller craft brewers. Along with the very popular PROLine Series 5, that has a process area that is 5 feet wide and up to 60 feet long. 

To the high capacity PROLine Series 14, that has a process area of 14 feet wide and up to 72 feet long. Check out the PRO website, click on products, and you will find the tunnel pasteurizer that fits your production capacity needs, your plant floor space, and your budget.

PRO Engineering & Manufacturing was established in 1977 by Ed and Dave Michalski as a steel fabrication shop. For over than 40 years, PRO Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc. has been delivering solutions for beverage product shelf stability and consumption safety. 

As the leading innovators in post-fill pasteurization, our skilled team offers the best in high-quality pasteurization equipment.

From this modest beginning, complete machine fabrication capabilities were quickly added followed by the installation of our own in-house engineering and design group. You want the right pasteurizer for the right price. 

PRO has it for you. We have been listening to our customers for 42 years. No one else has the range of pasteurizers that PRO offers to you.
We offer a wide range of small, medium, and high production-sized pasteurizers that address a wide range of production requirements.

ABOUT PRO Engineering / Manufacturing Inc:
PRO Engineering and Manufacturing was established in 1977 by Ed and Dave Michalski as a steel fabrication shop. For more than 40 years, PRO Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc. has been delivering solutions for beverage product shelf stability and consumption safety.


As leading innovators in post-fill pasteurization, our skilled team offers the best in high-quality pasteurization equipment including tunnel & batch pasteurizers. 

Our focus is on solving microbiological packaging needs for a wide variety of customers. Located in Milwaukee and serving the beverage industry worldwide. Contact us today for more information and options on how to grow your business.

Phone: 800-362-1500 | Email:

PRO Engineering / Manufacturing Inc
11175 W Heather Ave Milwaukee, WI 53224

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